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Cutting Through the Edge Computing Hype

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5G multi-access edge computing (MEC) services are moving quickly to the forefront as operators position themselves to support latency-sensitive enterprise use cases. But today, a disconnect exists between what performance end user customers believe applications will require, and the performance levels network operators are actually preparing to deliver.

Spirent and STL Partners have teamed up to bridge this information divide with real-world edge network testing and more than 150 interviews with prospective edge customers. Our goal is to begin arriving at answers that can help cut through the edge computing hype to illuminate the path ahead.

This report covers the following topics:

  • Market expectations for low-latency services based on interviews with service providers and prospective enterprise end users

  • Benchmarking of MEC latency vs. public cloud latency in the US and Japan

  • A reality check on how well market expectations align with real-world MEC latency including which edge use cases are supported by today’s services

  • Recommendations for improving MEC latency to support additional edge use cases

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